DTN Headline News
  2024 Hard Red and Soft Red Winter Wheat Crop Quality Good Overall
  Blinken in Israel for Cease-Fire Talks 10/22 06:15
  Harris, Trump Seek Latino Votes 10/22 06:28
  SKorea Warns Can Send Arms to Ukraine 10/22 06:06
  Austin:US to Give Ukraine What it Needs10/22 06:21
  Trump Pushes Debunked FEMA Claims in NC10/22 06:26
  Peru Ex-President Gets 20 Years 10/22 06:11
  MI, NC Courts Deny GOP Voter Challenges10/22 06:19
  Financial Markets 10/22 09:33
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@C4Z 415'6 6'2
@S4X 994'4 13'4
@W4Z 577'0 4'6
@O4Z 380'2 0'6
MSFT 426.8699 8.0899
WMT 81.445000 0.635000
XOM 120.6900 0.6100

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